Saturday, May 22, 2010

Friends? I think so...

I will never judge you based on my standards.
I will never look at you as if through a pair of coloured glasses.
I just want to respect your choices, decisions in life.
Because you are my friend, a part of who I am.
Never let anyone try to change you, to make you fit into their standards... because who are they to tell you what the norm is?

You are my friend.
I know a lot about you --or at least I believe so.
That is why I respect your wishes... because I want you to succeed in everything you put your mind to.
Although I may not be there with you all the time, just leave a little part of your heart empty for me, so I can always come back.

I make up half of my life... and you make up the other half.
New friends may give you refreshing air and you may feel satisfied.
But always remember me... because only an old friend can wipe the sad tears off your face.

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